Sunday 31 March 2013

Friends and family: part 1: The Croods

Friends and family: part 1: The Croods



Sunday, March 30, 2013


Did you miss me? Oh yes I THINK you did! Yes, it’s the long weekend of Easter. So, why I am posting a “xiaolandan” post today is for 2 reasons. 1. I have two blogs to post in 2 days. 2. Well, mph. It’s that it is that for this post, it’s that it is my friend Zach (Zachary) ,who has orange like hazel hair, skin slightly lighter than Alexa’s skin, and I am one of his  closest friends. Now, to the Day! It’s that Zach had invited me to his B-day (Birthday) party, at Cineplex.  First, we ate tasty Hotdogs, then after that, there was a funny coincidence. It was that Zach got an action figure A.K.A Hot dog. Funny!  The movie is called The Croods. The movie is about a family of cavemen. When their cave is destroyed, they go to find a new home. On the way, they start to use their Brains, and learn about their world. Characters: Eip, Sandy, Douglas, Guy, Mom, Greg, Chunky, Two tails, Belt, And Doggy. I say the movie is heartwarming.

Monday 25 March 2013





 Saturday, March, 25, 2013.

Hey every1! It is I, Ethan y Pikachu (my nickname) L. Now why I am here is that I went to a Motorcycle show. It was a Monster super cross one. The motorcycles were driving fast all over the arena. Also, they even did jumps that were at least 6 feet High!!!!!!! Also, some riders even fell of Their Motorcycles! It was so awesome/cool! I went to the arena at 5:00 and came back to Home in 12:00pm! I was so  dazzled that I Could not sleep! 

Thursday 21 March 2013








Thursday, March 21, 2013


Everyone here, right? First, I have bad news. It is that I will not write my “xiaolandan “blog entries every day. (Hey, I am a fourth grade student, I have homework! For my day, it starts with me hurrying down stairs with Mom scolding “You’ll be late! Again and again and so on. Well, after my early morning rush, something weird Happened. A girl in my class (Alexa) kept staring at me. Alexa likes to hang out (stay) with Damien at recess, and has raven black hair, brown eyes, fairly light skin, and is English. Also, 1 of my classmates, Andrew, who has caramel brown hair, and hazel brown eyes. Well Bryan was staring to and we were smiling uncertain smiles at each other. Well it was creepy. Before I leave, I will tell you why I leave a (V) at the end of the name Jack: I have 2 friends named Jack. The other Jack, Jack (D) has short hair, is small, and fairly light skin (About Alexa’s skin color.) The end of this entry! Bye!

Sunday 17 March 2013

Karate Yellow Belt

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Greetings, (and sorry!) people! Why sorry? Because I forgot, to make an entry for Saturday, March, 16, 2013! Well, I cannot change the past!  Today I first I ate breakfast, which came with a tasty smoothie. After Chinese (what did I tell you in entry 1!?)And mathematic lessons, I had lunch and a yummy drink A.K.A bubble karate, I FINNALLY  got my yellow  belt!

Friday 15 March 2013

Last day at the ROM camp

Last day at the ROM camp



Hi! Today I went to the subway, at the ROM learned about the way how all life on earth is connected, for example food chains, also met an archaeologist, and when getting home got a bit mad. Why I did less detail is because I am rushed. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thursday 14 March 2013

Feathered Friends

Hello guys! It is me, Ethan! Well, I had an Idea today! It started when I was in the subway, looking out the window. Well, I brought Flip fly, the bat craft, and Polly, my toy parrot. I was bored, so I annoyingly looked at Flip fly and Polly, who are best friends. So, I just made both Polly and Flip fly move like they’re hoping side to side and…..”Dad”! I loudly say. Polly and Flip Fly look cool together? Got to bolt!        

fossil craft 1
fossil craft 2

Parrot Polly

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Poo Scarabs

Poo Scarabs


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Entry 5

Well, Hello. How r (are) u (you) doing? Good? I hope so. And THAT’S right! I am Ethan. Now, I am not talking and going straight to “me” (my) day. I wake up, eat some cereal, when Dad comes in.” You want this Banana”? He asks me. ”Yes”! I reply. Then Dad says “get it”! I make a grab for it, but he out flanks me and spanks me. “Owe”!

At the subway, I get to see through the back window. Well, I see a butt load of tracks and-“Owe”! My face crashes into the window.

At the ROM, I watch cartoons. I even see flying cats! I also went to the gemstone room. I learn about my birth stone(ruby), learn the properties of a gemstones: hard, polished and pretty. After lunch, (and playing with toy dinosaurs.) I learn why the scarab beetles r (are) such a special symbol for Egyptians! You know how dung beetles are scarabs? Also, do you know that the sun is a powerful symbol of life in Egyptology and dung beetles lay their eggs in a rolling ball of dung? Well Egyptians saw this, and saw the beetles were hatching as the dung was rolling! They thought that the beetles were worshiping their gods! The dung was rolling west to east! Ha Ha!



Tuesday 12 March 2013

 “Flip fly” the Bat
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Entry 4

Hey! Cool it, it’s me, Ethan! Ho, let me tell you that I made a craft today and it is a merry happy day! Hold on, I’ll tell you later, alligator gladiator! Now, how r (are) u (you) doing? I hope it is good! Now, to my day!   Well………………………………………………………It started when Damien, who is my friend, and has golden hair, greenish hazel eyes and white skin, and is my friend, desk mate and classmate, Bryan,whois my best friend and has brown and blond hair,hazel eyes and pale skin and  if you look at his teeth, he looks like a vampire(sort of) and I, are running away from a giant and angry evil robot, who punches us and we fall of a cliff when a bat rescues us and the robot fires a big gun at us and we’re about to die……………..”Wake up”. I do not move. I get tickled by a large man. “Dad”?
“Yes, it’s me. But wake up! I’ll be late”! I bolt up from my bed and see Dad. He has the same kind of tan skin I have and black hair, and amber eyes.  He also has these cute (for me!) glasses that he wears all the time. “Seriously? I am still sleepy”. “Well, get through it” is his short reply. ”Aawwwwwwww”!  “Oh come on”! After I eat a tiny breakfast and brush my teeth Dad and I ride a subway train all the way to the Royal Ontario Museum. Then I hang up my coat and hat in my locker with the assistant, Gabriel who has black skin and is handsome. Gabriel smiles and says:” Hey Ethan how are you doing? I say “Great” and smile back .2 volunteers lead me to the theater. In the theater screen I watch cartoons. Then I met a boy named Felix. Well Felix and I learned about rocks and bats .I made a bat craft and made a bat craft named Flip fly.
P.S:”Sorry for calling you an Alligator gladiator.

Monday 11 March 2013

March Break ROM Day Camp

Monday, March, 11, 2013,

Entry 3

Hey everybody! Are you doing well? Well, I sure am! Do you know it is March break? Yes it is! Well I spent today at the Royal Ontario Museum. So, after I met the councilor, I learned something funny. The councilor’s name was Tony and Tony was a woman! Wow! In the morning, we learned about space. I learned that there was actually life in outer space! But it’s only bacteria. Anyways, Very interesting and cool! Also, some meteors that we can’t see crash into Earth every day! And after lunch, we saw dinosaurs! Hey, did you know dinosaurs and birds are related? Now I am writing.

Sunday 10 March 2013


Yellow Belt Test

Sunday, March, 10, 2013

Entry 2

Hey everyone, it’s me, Ethan! How you guys out there reading my blog doing? This is what happened to me today: I call today my great event and work day. Why? You will find out. In the morning, I ate breakfast, today bread and a smoothie. Then I wandered the house doing nothing. Bah! Well, it’s time I told you that I attend karate. I am a white belt. It’s also Japanese karate. I also dislike eating seafood, especially crustaceans. Then mother, who has short dark hair and lots of spectacles and glasses, told me that all of the clocks were at the wrong time! Oh no!  I set the target to help out to adjust all clocks in the house!  We have more than 10 clocks. I adjusted all of them.

Then some snot got out of my nose. At lunch I ate 2 kids’ meals. I also had karate and passed a test and now I am a yellow belt! I take many challenges today. Mom said it is a great day. Bye!


Saturday 9 March 2013

Young Friend

Saturday, March, 9, 2013

Entry 1

This is my blog. My name is Ethan, my middle name is Y. ,(No one’s perfect!) the nickname is “Eth” and my last is L.I am 9 years old and in grade 4. I am 4 foot 8”, black haired, has brown eyes, and tan skin. I am kind, trustworthy, smart, strong, athletic and risky. Today, my mom made me write this blog. In morning, the breakfast was AWESOME. Really! It was pizza! Wait, did I forget to tell you that MY favorite food is 50% of pizza?  Anyways, in the afternoon, I played with my beeeeeeessssssssssssstttttttttt (Best) friend, (well at least in my own neighborhood!) Jack (V) Why I put V in brackets behind the name “Jack” you will find out in entry 9. It’s time to get to the playing business. We played tag. Through Jack (V) is 6, he is one handsome boy. He has nut brown hair, light skin and is cute. Now I am writing this blog.